What It Takes to Be a Great Writer in Today’s Digital World

What It Takes to Be a Great Writer in Today’s Digital World and the three key ingredients you need, if you want to thrive and future-proof your income…


What It Takes to Be a Great Writer in Today’s Digital World and the three key ingredients you need, if you want to thrive and future-proof your income…

Key Ingredient #1 — The Skill to Write Great Content and All the Many Projects Digital Companies Need Today

Let’s face it — the goal of content marketing is ultimately to lead readers to a sale. 

But to make that happen, your clients need copy… a lot of it. 

They need great blog posts and articles for every stage of the customer journey…

They need great social media posts…

They need attention-grabbing ads… 

They need emails to stay in touch with their audience…

They need website copy for their various pages — including their homepage, About Us page, product pages, and more…

They need copy for any newsletters they send out to stay in touch…

The list goes on and on! 

Add to that the rush to digital marketing that the pandemic has caused for companies that have been slow to switch, and a lot of people need a lot of help with their content and more.

That’s a big opportunity for you as a writer.

An opportunity to get booked solid with only the kinds of clients you want to work with and make money writing about things that interest you.

And that’s why you need to ensure you’ve got the right skills and you know how to write at least one or more of these in-demand projects, so you can deliver great value and get paid well.

Remember, most companies don’t know the ins and outs of creating stand-out content and all the other pieces they need to take someone from cold prospect to happy customer. 

They’ll be looking to you to help them. If you do, you’ll be rewarded handsomely.

Key Ingredient #2 — Experience

It’s one thing to know the theories behind writing great content and all the other kinds of projects that a company needs to fill out its content marketing strategy…
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It’s another to have the experience — the hours under your belt of writing… rewriting… editing… and more. 

Even better if you have experience in real-client situations… because that’s something incredibly valuable you can bring to the table to new clients who are looking to hire you. 

This is the kind of experience that in many ways makes you more than “just” a writer, and elevates you to “consultant” status. Where you and your client see yourself as “partners” trying to achieve a common goal. 

Normally, it can take years to gain this level of experience. But in just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can shortcut the entire process… and gain months or even years of experience — in a matter of weeks. 

The key is in following proven roadmaps from those who’ve gone before you. They know what the pitfalls are… what you shouldn’t waste your time learning… and where you should put your priceless time, energy, and attention for maximum leverage.